What I’ve Learned

It’s cloudy and rainy today. The best days in August are the ones that don’t feel like August. Especially this time of year, with the sun so strong, I don’t like wearing shoes. I’ve noticed more and more that people find it socially unacceptable to go barefoot, which seems odd to me. We ought to…

5 Reasons Why Everyone Should Journal

I was 11 years old when I began journaling seriously. I had started journals before, one even before I could write legibly (That one was interesting.), but at this point I decided I was actually going to dive in and really do it. Why? At the time, probably purely because I had watched others do…

The Year Of Rest II

What does it mean to rest? A while ago, I wrote a post called The Year Of Rest. I have long meant to write a follow-up post because I have been so excited to tell you what I’ve learned. Now that I am deep into this year, I can truly say this is the year of…